hello I need to install python 1.8.2 on win 64 but i cant find the .exe format of it, only there is .whl version. how can convert .whl to .exe.
Answer by
Rajesh Gupta
PyMOL does not have a direct .exe installer for Windows. On Windows, PyMOL can be installed using the .whl (Wheel) package format using a package manager like pip. To convert the .whl file to an .exe, you would need to use a tool like PyInstaller or cx_Freeze to package the Python script into a standalone executable. However, it is generally recommended to install PyMOL using the .whl file and a package manager.
I need to install python 1.8.2 on win 64 but i cant find the .exe format of it, only there is .whl version. how can convert .whl to .exe.
PyMOL does not have a direct .exe installer for Windows. On Windows, PyMOL can be installed using the .whl (Wheel) package format using a package manager like pip. To convert the .whl file to an .exe, you would need to use a tool like PyInstaller or cx_Freeze to package the Python script into a standalone executable. However, it is generally recommended to install PyMOL using the .whl file and a package manager.